Human papillomavirus, also abbreviated HPV, is a very common virus that could eventually lead to cervical cancer.  HPV is estimated to be found in 8 out of every 10 women by age 50.  There are some "high risk" types of HPV that do in fact cause cervical cancer.  Fortunately, the HPV goes away before it cause any kind of serious problem.  However, when the infection endures, abnormal cells for on the cervix and these cells will form into cervical cancer if not detected and treated early enough.  Women are not the only ones prone to HPV.  Men can also acquire this virus and then lead to genital warts.  Both men and women can obtain genital warts, but only females can obtain cervical, vaginal, and vulvar cancers.This infectious agent is causes extraordinary amounts of damage to the body and yet HPV is not known very well by the general public.
Title photos curtesy of Joseph Setyon. Text by Sal Salerno.