Signs and Symptoms of HPV

Most people who are infected with HPV usually do not develop signs or symptoms nor do they experience any health problems resulting from this virus. In fact, according to the Center of Disease Control and Prevention, 90% of human papillomavirus cases are clear naturally by the immune system within two years of infection.

One of the most common signs of HPV is genital warts that can appear in both men and females. Rarely, strains of this infection can cause warts in the throat, leading to the condition known as recurrent respiratory papillomatosis or RRP.

Other types of HPV can cause abnormal cells in the body, some of which lead to various classifications of cancer.

Cervical cancer, which is a main concern of HPV, does not usually have any symptoms until it is quite advanced and as a result, hard to treat. This is the main reason why women are encouraged to get regular screening for cervical cancer, which can detect early signs of disease and can often be treated before it evolves into cancer. 
A Pap Smear displaying abnormal cells

Similarly, other types of cancer including cancer of the vulva, vagina, and penis do not show symptoms until they are in the later and more dangerous stages

Page Created by Steven Swenson